(1) Real Photo.
View of Residence at Bloomfield, NE
around 1910 after big snowstorm.
Name on back but cant make it out
for certain. Possibly ET Felbrim?
Photo by Steffen's Studio. Never mailed.
$15 ($12)

(2) Real Photo.
Looking North Main Street. Bloomfield, NE.
Mailed 1950. Good condition.
$29 ($23) SOLD

(3) Real Photo.
Methodist Church Bloomfield, NE c1950.
Never mailed. Good condition.
$12 ($10.50)

(4) Real Photo.
Lutheran Church and Parsonage.
Mailed 1912. Photo by Melcher, Norfolk.
Good condition.
$18 ($14) SOLD

(5) Real Photo.
Grade 7 Bloomfield, NE 1942.
Never mailed. O'Neil Photo.
$15 ($12).

(6) Real Photo.
L.M. Caya's Residence c1910.
Never mailed. Good condition.
$20 ($16)