(11) Real Photo.
Parade start July 4th, 1912. Deshler.
Writing on back, never mailed. Good
condition. Sharp focus. Lots of advertising
on parade floats.
$30 ($24) SOLD

(12) Real Photo.
Deshler City Park in 1940s. Unmailed. Good
$8 ($7) SOLD

(13) Real Photo.
Hotel c1950s. Rooms sign back at left.
Card was never mailed. Dated 1954 on back. Good
$20 ($16) SOLD

(14) Real Photo.
Dated 1954 on back and has writing which reads: R&S Drug (possibly
where the card was purchased). Never mailed. Sharp
focus. Lutheran Church?
$9 ($8)

(15) Real Photo.
Deshler Public Library. Unmailed. R&S
marked on the back. (see #14) c1950s.
Good condition.
$11 ($10)

(16) Real Photo.
St. Peter's Parish Hall, Deshler, NE. Dated 1954.
R&S written on back (see #14) Good condition.
$10 ($9)