(1) Real Photo.
Midway Hotel c1919. Sharp focus, good
contrast. Writing impressions from back
show through to front a little.
$35 ($28) SOLD

(2) Real Photo.
Central Ave. North c1930.
Sharp focus, good contrast. Never mailed.
Card is wavy, a few small impressions lower
left corner. Good condition.
$40 ($32)

(3) Real Photo.
Dedication St. James Parochial School.
Card was given out as a program (its typed
out on the back). No postcard back.
Sharp focus, good contrast. Good condition.
$30 ($24) SOLD
another example is available on page

(4) Real Photo.
Concrete Bridge over Platte c1920s.
Photo by Stryker. Good focus and contrast.
Card was never mailed. Good condition.
$19 ($15) SOLD

(5) Real Photo.
Platte River Bridge, Kearney.
Moss Photo. Sharp focus and good
contrast. Card was mailed 1930.
You can see the old bridge pilings.
$24 ($19) SOLD

(6) Litho.
Kindergarten, State Normal School.
I have never seen this card before !
Mailed in 1910 - but c1907.
Good condition.
$50 ($40) SOLD