(11) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. City Hall 1940s.
Unmailed. Good condition. $7

(12) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. New School under construction.
Mailed 1912. Photo
attributed to Olson. Good condition. $19

(13) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Methodist Episcopal
Mailed 1909. SD Butcher Photo. Good
condition. $12

(14) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Mailed from Gothenburg 1910.
New home. Good condition. $19

(15) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Residence. Message on
back in Norwegian. Tiny piece missing upper
left corner. Mailed 1909 $10

(16) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Business District 1940s.
Card was never mailed. Good condition. $15

(17) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Street Scene c1910.
Gem Theatre, Colloms Cafe, Jennings
Hardware and more. Looking South.
Card never mailed. Good condition.

(18) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Parade. A.J. Novak,
Clothier and Tailor, float. c1910-15.
Card was never mailed. Good condition. $12

(19) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. July 4th Parade.
Mailed 1914. $23

(20) Real Photo.
Gothenburg, NE. Carnival c1910-15.
Unmailed. Good condition. $23