(131) Real Photo.
Wauneta, NE. Central Hotel c1908.
Men with tools on front porch, photo was
possibly taken just after the construction was
finished. Sharp focus, never mailed, good
condition with some lights bends at upper
corners. WOB - Central Hotel, Wauneta, Nebr.
$75 ($60) SOLD

(132) Real Photo.
Wauneta, NE. Falls Hotel c1908.
Photo applied to paper backing. Same size as standard sized postcard. Writing
on back.
Sharp focus, good condition. Small piece missing lower corner.
$34 ($27) SOLD

(133) Real Photo.
Page, NE. Page Hotel c1910.
Card was mailed. Good condition.
$55 ($44) SOLD

(134) Real Photo.
Ft. Calhoun, NE. City Hotel Card was never
mailed. Message on back dated 1910. Sharp
focus and good contrast. Good condition.
$75 ($60) SOLD

(135) Real Photo.
Kearney, NE. Midway Hotel c1907.
Card was never mailed. Good condition.
Sharp focus.
$35 ($28) SOLD

(136) Real Photo.
Fairmont, NE. Clarendon Hotel c1909.
Mailed. Fair condition.
$20 ($16)

(137) Real Photo.
Deshler, NE. Hotel c1950s.
Unmailed. Sharp focus, good condition.
$24 ($19) SOLD

(138) Real Photo.
Ravenna, NE? Hotel M Street. 1915.
Flood view. Good condition.
$20 ($16) SOLD

(139) Real Photo.
Atkinson, NE. Leland Hotel c1920s.
Unmailed. Sharp focus, good condition.
$32 ($25) SOLD

(140) Real Photo.
Atkinson, NE. Leland Hotel c1915.
Unmailed. Good focus, bend upper left, good condition.
$32 ($25) SOLD