(1) Real Photo.
Oakland, NE. Someone has written Oakland,
Neb. on the back of photo. Image is c1910.
Never mailed. Good condition.
$27 ($20).

(2) Real Photo.
Oakland, NE. Residence of Irving Kerl.
Mailed in 1912. Photo attributed to Olson.
Good condition.
$22 ($17)

(3) Real Photo.
Oakland, NE. Residence of W.A. Harding.
c1910. Never mailed. Photo attributed to
Olson. $18 ($14)

(4) Real Photo.
Oakland, NE. Residence of A.L. Cull
Mailed in 1907. Good condition. Photo
attributed to Olson. $20 ($16)

(5) Real Photo.
Oakland, NE. Elmerdale Cottage Camp
c1930. Unmailed. Good condition.
Photo attributed to Hanna. Roadside.
$25 ($20) SOLD

(6) Real Photo.
Oakland, NE. Elmerdale Cottage Camp.
Highway no. 77. Photo by Jacobs Studio
of Oakland. Unmailed. c1920 Fair condition.
$25 ($20) SOLD