(1) Real Photo. Photo made by Gale Photo Co.
of Beatrice, NE. Card shows five views:
Science Hall, Library, Dormitory, Main Bldg,
and Chapel Bldg. Produced for Burris Drug Co.
Card was mailed in 1909 with message on back.
Good condition.
$22 ($17)

(2) Litho. Printed view showing two people standing at entrance to the Mt. Vernon
Cemetery. Rutted dirt road to entrance. Card was mailed in 1915. Bumped
corners. $13.75 ($12) SOLD

(3) Litho. Divided back printed card on light
weight paper. Card was never mailed. Views
are Library, Mt. Vernon Hall, Normal Hall,
Science Hall and the Chapel. Views are
somewhat dark. $13.75 ($12)

(4) Litho. Divided back printed card on light
weight paper. Card was never mailed. Same card as #3. Creased
down middle vertically and small bend upper left corner.
$5.50 ($4.50)