(1) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. High School. Mailed in 1918.
Tear at upper edge (center).
$10 ($9)

(2) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. Yard of C.P. Becker Sutton, Neb.
Card was mailed in 1927. Good condition.
$18 ($14)

(3) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. Mirror View of Glen Lake.
Mailed 1907. Photo by Olson, Plattsmouth.
Good condition.
$9 ($8)

(4) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. First M.E. Church. Mailed 1908.
Photo by Olson. Good condition.
$15 ($12)

(5) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. Main Street scene mailed 1908.
Photo attributed to Olson. Nice view.
Tiny piece missing lower right corner.
$49 ($39)

(6) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. Main Street. Mailed 1909.
Photo attributed to Olson. Teat at bottom
edge with tape on back.
$42 ($33)

(7) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. City Park flooded June 6, 1908.
Howard looking for whales. Never mailed.
Good condition.
$25 ($20)

(8) Real Photo.
Sutton, NE. Flood of June 6, 1908. Homes and buildings visible in
image. Never mailed. Good condition.
$25 ($20)

(9) Litho.
Sutton, NE. South side of Main Street c1910.
Unmailed, good condition.
$28 ($22)

(10) Litho.
Sutton, NE. Main Street c1910.
Unmailed. Missing small piece upper right
$8 ($7)