(1) Real Photo.
Weeping Water, NE. Girls Cottage W.W.
Academy c1908. Photo by Olson No. 15.
Unmailed. Good condition.
$25 ($20) SOLD
(2) Real Photo.
weeping Water, NE. Residence Street c1908.
Wagon bridge and buildings at far left. Olson Photo No. 5.
Mailed in 1910. Good condition.
$29 ($23)

(3) Real Photo.
Weeping Water, NE. View from Reed Hill.
Mailed 1908. Bend upper left corner. Olson
Photo No. 10. Good condition.
$40 ($32)

(4) Litho.
Weeping Water, NE. Main
Street c1910.
Mailed 1911. Good condition, bend lower left
corner. United Art Publishing, NY.
$30 ($24) SOLD

(5) Real Photo
Weeping Water, NE. Christian Church.
Note on back mentions construction being
finished and cost of church. You can see a
pile of rubbish and a ladder against the
building. Photo by Hanna. Dated 1920 on
back of card with other details. Card was
never mailed. Good condition.
$18 ($14) SOLD

(6) Litho.
Weeping Water, NE. Academy.
Card was mailed in 1909. Fair condition,
horizontally at middle of right edge.
$4.50 ($4)